Not quite square one

I don’t have green fingers. I like gardens, but I am defeated by trying to create one! I tried for 14 years in my last house. No luck. So, I should be pretty pleased that this time it’s taken just over four. Though I’m not completely done.

The big redesign after moving in should have been the time. I had an idea in my head – no grass, just sculptural planting. But it took more time than I anticipated. And to be honest, I’d rather be working in the house…actually or a digital project.

Eventually I realised that grass was the answer. I can mow. I have done in the past. I could do again (although it means either borrowing a flock of sheep, or buying a lawn mower.

I had to take the garden right back to its just redesigned state. Before I put the plants in. In my head I could see what I wanted. I drew up a comprehensive plan for the garden contractors, and in between torrential rain showers, they set to work.

My plan for the makeover
And the completed turfing

I’m pleased with the result. The circular bed is underway with pink Cordyline and under planting with almost black plants. It’ll take a while to fill out, but it should be good in a few years.

I have further plans for some other visual features, but you’ll have to wait for those!

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