
It’s not that I haven’t been busy. I have! But the summer seems to have morphed into the autumn. I have very much been concentrating on my photography rather than my sewing crafts of late. The start of the new term with my camera club has prompted this activity. But this summer I have taken fewer images than in previous years, instead I have been re-visiting old images and taking a creative eye to them. Some I have turned into canvas prints.

I entered this image – which I’ve called The Plum Chair into this evening’s camera club open print competition. It was taken at a friend’s house and is a variation on a still life, which I have then given a ‘stylised’ effect using my favourite app. The judge was a little critical of the ‘whiteness’ of the window, but if I’d cropped it out I would have lost the delicate shadow of the chair. And I didn’t want to darken in out as I didn’t want it to blend into the wall. I like the painterly effect of the finished image (used because I did’t think that the photograph was as sharp as it should have been, and this effect disguised that) and find it very contemplative image (and shades of France though it was taken in an English kitchen).


It scored well getting 19/20. So I’m pleased with that.